郑跃文 ZHENG Yuewen
中非民间商会会长、中国民营经济国际合作商会会长 科瑞集团有限公司董事局主席 Chairman of the CABC, Chairman of the CICCPS Chairman of the Creat Group 行业: 投资 Sector: Investment
科瑞集团公司是一家投资性企业集团,总部位于中国北京,1992年7月,由郑跃文博士创办。科瑞集团有限公司在中国多个省市、香港、英国、美国、日本、澳大利亚等地设有分支机构。 通过直接投资和基金投资方式,科瑞集团在境内外制造业、生物制药、矿业资源等领域开展业务,科瑞集团旗下先后拥有6家境内外上市公司,涉及农业、食品加工、电力设备、海外矿业、生物制药;其中上海莱士血液制品公司在上海证交所的市值约为65亿美元。 科瑞集团核心价值观是:诚信重义、合作共赢、创新卓越、坚韧执着。 郑跃文博士多次访问非洲,每年出席多场国际会议,到世界不同国家考察,在国际经济合作领域经验丰富。他曾荣获“中国改革开放30年优秀企业家”称号,曾荣获“2013中国海外投资年度人物”等许多奖项。 郑跃文博士曾担任第九届全国工商联副主席,第十届中国民间商会副会长,现任中国全国政协委员、国家监察部特邀监察员。他是中非民间商会第二任会长,中非商会是中国第一家在国家民政部注册的服务中国企业投资非洲的全国性商会,为超过500家投资非洲的中国企业服务;他同时担任中国民营经济国际合作商会首任会长,该商会是中国第一家服务私营部门境外投资的全国性商会组织,以中国私营企业500强为会员基础。
Creat Group
The Creat Group has businesses in both domestic and international markets through direct investing and fund investing, including the areas of manufacturing, pharmaceuticals , mineral resources, etc; The Creat Group has 6 listed companies in following areas, including agriculture, food-processing, electrical equipment, overseas mining and pharmaceuticals. Shanghai RAAS Blood Products Co., Ltd, one of the listed companies, has valued at 6.5 billion dollars on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The core valuation of Creat Group is: Credibility, Win-Win Cooperation, Innovation and tenacity. Dr. Zheng Yuewen always visits Africa. Each year, he travels to different countries of the world to attend international conferences. He got rich experience in the field of international economic cooperation. Mr. Zheng successively received the award for “Most Innovative People’s Award to commemorate China’s Reform and Opening Up for the last 30 years” and the award of “2013 Annual Best Investor of China Overseas Investment”. Mr. Zheng Yuewen has served as a member of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC). Currently, he serves as a member of the national committee of CPPCC, and Special Supervisor of Ministry of Supervison of the Peoples Republic of China. Also, He is the second Chairman of China-Africa Business Council(CABC). CABC is the first Chamber of Commerce upon registration in Ministry of Civil Affairs, which actively pursuing to serve and guide Chinese enterprises in their process of “going abroad”. Nowadays, CABC serves over 500 Chinese enterprises who has businesses in Africa. What is more, Mr. Zheng Yuewen is the first Chairman of China International Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector(CICCPS). CICCPS is the first national Chamber of Commerce that serving private sectors to do overseas businesses, and CICCPS has concentrated on setting the top 500 private enterprises as a membership base.